Proper Alignment with Chiropractic Manipulation
Chiropractic treatment is a form of manual therapy involving soft tissue therapy, mobilisations, manipulations, dry needling, and rehabilitation. All with the aim of restoring the body back to normal to help alleviate stiffness, reduces pain and improve performance. Chiropractors also work towards correcting posture utilising manual techniques, home and lifestyle advice. As well as the hands on techniques, chiropractors also use a variety of braces, trigger point balls, foam rollers, exercise tubing and strapping with Rocktape all to allow restoration to function in the quickest possible time.
Chiropractic care is suited to people of any age and fitness level, from newborn babies to the elderly.
Chiropractic care involves several techniques, these are specialised towards each client and despite reports many of these don’t involve any “cracking” or manual manipulation.
All Chiropractors in Australia are required to complete a 5 year University degree, they are required to be registered with AHPRA and covered by all health funds.
Chiropractors can help to restore your body to its proper alignment through a range of techniques including Manipulative, Non-Manipulative, Soft Tissue, Kinesiology & Rehabilitation. The type of technique used may vary on your genetics, flexibility, age, type of injury or condition and comfort level.
Conditions chiropractic care can treat:
- Postural Problems
- Joint Pain
- Sciatica (shooting pains in the leg)
- Back injuries
- Headaches
- Lower back pain
- Neck pain
All with the objectives of
- Improving range of motion
- Reducing pain
Your First Visit / First Treatment
During your first visit, one of our experienced Health Space Chiropractors will record your complete history and run a number of tests and scans to identify the cause of your symptoms. Following this, you will be presented with a Report of Findings and diagnosis. In the following consultations, our Chiropractor will carry out a comprehensive treatment/management plan, recommend therapeutic exercise and other non-invasive therapies, and may provide nutritional, dietary and lifestyle counselling.
Before you have a chiropractic adjustment or even sit on the chiropractic table your chiropractor will talk with you about your symptoms, your general health, e.g. blood pressure, headaches and any discomfort, your spine/vertebrae and your other joints. Some people have a fear of the unknown, but our chiropractors are experienced in helping you feel comfortable and reassured. People feel relief after their first chiropractic adjustment or spinal manipulation because pain in their musculoskeletal system, consisting of joints and surrounding muscles, is reduced.
Chiropractic Adjustments
A chiropractic adjustment refers to a chiropractor applying manipulation of joints, e.g. the vertebrae, that have abnormal movement patterns or fail to function normally. The objective of this chiropractic treatment is to increase the range of motion and reduce nerve irritability. This type of procedure can have a myriad of positive benefits without the stress of surgery.
Chiropractor back or spinal adjustments
A spinal adjustment is a common treatment for back pain and lower back pain. Spinal joints respond to spinal manipulation and heat therapy. A physical exam of your spine by your chiropractor will determine the right treatment plan for your pain, discomfort or to increase range.
Chiropractor Neck adjustment
To reduce pain and discomfort a chiropractic adjustment (spinal manipulation) can target neck pain.
The Popping Sound!
People often ask what the popping sound is when an adjustment takes place. It is known as a cavitation, this means that the fluid in the joint space momentarily separates from the cartilage. Most chiropractors say something technical like…
Chiropractic adjustments are a high velocity, and low amplitude movement of your joints in order to affect the central nervous system and release the tension.
In plain English this means that a very small movement is applied to your joints, in order to provide a small stretch to the ligaments and receptors surrounding them. This stretch relieves pain and tension by stimulating the nerves and providing information to the brain, in many cases bringing on considerable relief.
If you’re uncomfortable with a manual adjustment, or if your chiropractor doesn’t deem it to be appropriate, they may use mobilisations or an activator (pictured below). A mobilisation is different from a typical chiropractic adjustment as it uses a slow small force to help encourage movement of the joint, whilst still gently stimulating the nerves.
Postural Problems
As chiropractors, we see people with a wide range of chiropractic care needs. The severity ranges from severe chronic pain, serious complications from an accident, or just a limited range of motion from inactivity and poor posture.
Our advice to anyone suffering from musculoskeletal pain is to maintain good posture. Our team always look for an integrative health approach, helping clients think about more than just the painful spinal joint and fixing it with spinal manipulation. As a patient, you have the potential to impact your musculoskeletal system positively for the future.
Referrals from your GP
EPC – Enhanced Primary Care Plan
GPs can assist patients who suffer from chronic condition with an EPC. The GP can plan treatments with other medical providers using the Medicare Benefits Schedule, e.g. Chiropractic Treatment.
The first step is meeting the criteria, a chronic condition, such as chronic pain. The doctor can build a treatment plan of 5 sessions with various providers, chiropractic and physio, e.g. 2 of one and 3 of another – totalling 5.
Practically speaking, the EPC needs to be referred by the GP to a specific practitioner (the GP can’t just write chiropractor). The process works best when the client comes to see their Chiropractor first and then take our details when they go to the GP.
Chiropractic Techniques
- Manipulation
- Non-manipulative
- Kinesiology
- Soft tissue
- Rehabilitation